As we know, metro tv is one of television channel that give more concern to news. This channel is owned by Surya Paloh, Indonesian Politician. In 2014, political year for Indonesia, i acknowledge that metro tv is not fair to make politic news. They tend to write good news for Surya Paloh's ..... and bad news for their opposite. Although i know this unfairness, but i prefer to watch metro tv rather than the other news media channel.
Beside politic side, i know that metro tv is one of television that is consistent enough to broadcast inspiring programs. These can educate indonesian to be better person, example, Kick Andy, Mario Teguh Golden Ways, E-lifestyle, Indonesian Now, etc. I really appreciate this channel. The main difference between Metro TV and another "competitor" is Metro TV doesn't focus just to politic, but also education aspect. According to me, Metro TV competitor do is just focus to broadcast politic news. I think, full politic news is full of conflict of interest. Yap, Metro TV Competitors are channel that is owned by politician too.
In Metro TV, my favorite program is Kick Andy. Keynote speaker in this program can come from so many kind of society. All of them can inspire us. After watching every episode, i always feel that i don't give any contribution for this country yet. Beside inspiring, Kick Andy do real action to support this country, example "Gerakan Sejuta Bola".
As i ever wrote in "Butuh Banyak "Rumah Perubahan", to build great country and great people, it needs contribution from all of us, Television, Lecturer, family, friend, etc.
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