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Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2016

Inside & Outside the Box

Apakah lu pernah jadi saksi atau pelaku dari suatu pemecahan masalah dengan cara berfikir baru dan berbeda dari pada umumnya? Apakah lu berfikir ini merupakan salah satu contoh pemikiran " Think Outside The Box" ? Jika lu menjawab pertanyaan kedua dengan "Ya", berarti kita teammate yang perlu membaca buku Inside The Box karya Drew Boyd & Jacob Goldenberg". Setelah gw membaca buku tersebut, sepertinya gw harus melakukan redefinisi tentang " Think Outside the Box ". Konsep Think Outside the Box sepertinya merupakan tagline dari aktivitas apapun yang akan mengarah pada bagaimana kita akan berfikir secara lebih kreatif. Pada buku ini, ia menjelaskan bahwa untuk meningkatkan kreativitas, maka melatih berfikir Inside the Box dapat menjadi salah satu cara yang sangat efektif. Selain itu akan dijelaskan mengenai perbedaan antara Think Outside the Box dibandingkan Inside the Box. Dengan kombinasi penulis yang berasal dari background berbeda, akadem...

Learn French

Bonjour Ok, I acknowledge my inconsistency. Few days ago, some of my articles reveal that my effort to learn English. Although I have not executed yet the tips that I get before, now I want to learn a new language. Lol. This is the second day I watch France tutorial on youtube. If you want to access the same channel to learn the French language, you can subscribe Alexa Polidoro channel. Why do I choose this one? Is there any consideration? No. I just type "learn french for a beginner", and "Learn French with Alexa" has appeared on the first recommendation. As a new student, I try to be consistent on one channel. By using this method, I think my learning method will be more structured, not scattered. Handling two languages at the same time is not easy. One of the barriers is one language can influence the other language, ex. your pronunciation gets accidentally exchanged. Besides, Alexa teaches people by the English language. The problem is her English a...


Today, i just accomplished TOEFL exam. Actually, this is not the first time for me to take the test. About 2 years ago, i ever took the same test and the score i get just 517. In last two years, actually i do some activities that relates to English practice, Ex. Reading English articles. But, i am not sure that i will get better score than before. :( Have you ever taken TOEFL exam? If you say yes, some of you will agree with me that this test will make you bit stress. Before proceeding this article, I wanna say this article is not discussing tips to face TOEFL. If you want to get good tips for TOEFL, you should read Baron TOEFL's preparation. It such a good book. If you have mastered Baron's book, the other thing you must do is to prepare your physics. Is there any relationship between TOEFL and our physics? To me, it has very strength connection. When we take this test, we must be fully concerned along the test. Consist of 3 section, TOEFL will spend totally 2 hours f...

8 Tips to Improve your English Writing Skills

The title you are looking at is the same article in that i read now (You can open the link here ). I ever write about my intense to learn English. To me, language is not theory that we h wave to read and memorize, but language is something we have to practice every day. If we type Learning English tips in google, you can read so many articles about it. The problem, we (sorry, i mean "i" not "we") rarely implement what we learn. He3. So today, i am randomly looking up English tips and try the tips right now. 1. Keep All of your Writing in One Place "Buy a notebook of journal or start an electronic journal. By keeping your writing all in the same place, you will be able to see how much you are improving and keep it organized. " Oke, I am so lucky for tips number one because i have had this blog. Within this blog, i can use it for every need include for English learning. The next step is to keep it organized. Hmm.. Organizing ...